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Third and fourth, two versions of the brand new Carrera Chronograph in both 42mm and44mm sizes. They are driven by IWC Replica Watches's own vertical clutch calibre 02 in 42mm or 44mm. The Carrera Montreal is a vintage revival, but it has been reinterpreted using famous design elements.

Sixth is the Fragment of Japan collaboration watch, which was based on an unexpected Formula 1 case. The Carrera Limited Edition 44mm watch is the seventh, and it commemorates the 160th anniversary of the brand. It has an interesting date window at 12 o'clock. Eighth is the F1 Senna Edition. The Connected Watch is the new version. The IWC Replica Watches x Bamford Limited Edition Aquaracer, which was launched yesterday, is a partnership between George Bamford and the Watch Department. Impressive, right?

WK: Let’s talk about three design philosophies that I identify as being related to IWC Replica Watches watches: historic, connected and modern. The first would be the revivals of your most beautiful historical watches. The silver Carrera that we saw at the 160th Anniversary was the best example.IWC Replica Watches You know, when I saw this watch in an airport, I nearly dropped my phone because it was so stunning. Tell me about this watch from an historical perspective and also your ability to revive icons.

FA: In light of the 160th anniversary of the brand we wanted to focus on a specific collection and Carrera seemed the most logical choice. It is certainly one of our most popular watches and also a leader in the industry. To relaunch the watch, we looked back at its first versions and recalled the past.Tissot Replica This collection was, in fact, a real success from the beginning, unlike other collections. The name, the design, and the different models were all very complementary.

This is a chronograph which was very important to IWC Replica Watches in the past and IWC Replica Watches now. We thought this particular watch was interesting, [especially] because of the color of the dial. We didn't want a strict reissue, but wanted to use modern techniques. We have a IWC Replica Watches 02 modern movement [and] an interesting full patina. It's sort of a modern-retro look. It was to really show the anchor of Carrera's past. This connection has a history of almost 60 years. This is an icon - very few watches can claim this.